C4E for employees
Fun at work - the emotional balance at work
The individual’s view on the impact of the emotional state of an employee on profit and productivity
The emotional balance is expressed as a deviation from the normal value of 100%. A value below 100% means that employees leave emotions in their company which they are not compensated for. In the long term, they lose emotions, motivation and emotional strength in their emotional balance. The emotional effort in order to nourish the system becomes too high.
To compensate for this, employees have only two choices:
1. They work less or less effective, thus reducing the profit of the company.
2. They change employers and look for an emotionally satisfying work.
If the emotional balance of an employee surpasses the normal value of 100% he gains more emotional power than he puts in. In this case, the employer could either ask for a higher performance or pay a lower salary. Results below 100% show potentials which still can be leveraged within the company and its employees. Values above 100% indicate potential risks for the company culture, particularly when values decrease.
Would you like to know how your (future) working place fits to your needs for a working life full of joy and satisfaction? C4E provides you with the answers to key questions:
- How exactly does the appreciation of your working place fit to your needs?
- How effectively can you use your time at the working place for satisfactory activities?
- How exactly do your skills match to your work?
- How cool is the company and how exactly does this fit to you?
- How exactly does the interaction with your colleagues fit to your needs and your task?
- How good are your leaders?
- How much future do you have there?
- How much profit does the company provide to you?
- How well are you involved in decisions?
- o which extent to you deal with customers??
Relevance of evaluated results for the individual emotional balance:
20-80% – Red range
In the red range, you have satisfaction deficits; your job satisfaction is negative. Your investments are higher than what you perceive to receive back. This leads to a high need for compensation in private leisure and in private, social environment. In the long run, your business performance will decrease. Without accurate analysis and corresponding measures the negative process cannot be reversed. Basically, two possibilities for improvement exist: either the company can change and give you back significantly more perceived reward, or you change your expectations in relation to a satisfactory working life.
81-120% – Yellow range
In the yellow range, everything is fine, to put it bluntly. Your personal emotional balance is nearly balanced. While the values above 100% depict a still better condition, values ​just below 100% do not give cause for concern. A deviation of 20% around the 100% mark is acceptable; it represents a usual bandwidth in working life. The trend is important. If you reached a value of less than 100% with a still decreasing value in a repeated test, this is an alarm signal.
Frequently, decreasing values point at a back coupling of negative effects; in other words: you should identify and be alert for self-reinforcing processes that pull you into a negative vortex.
Negative strains and pressures at work or in private life can cause the balanced emotional situation to tip over and threaten the healthiness of the emotional balance. Every bank or insurance employee knows that events of death, divorce or disease (i.e. when the emotional balance tips over into the negative range) have negative economic consequences for a customer. Should your results fall within this range, it would be worthwhile to repeat the tests after four weeks in order to determine the trend.
121-180% – Blue range
In the blue range, not even the horizon limits your prosperity and growth! Good humor is your prevailing mood at work. You take a positive mood from work to home and brighten up your private life – should you still call it that way. People who no longer distinguish between private and professional lives can often be found in this range of results. Work just as family or hobbies become live fulfilling occupations. A person who provides answers to e-mails from foreign business colleagues in different time zones at night, certainly goes to the gym at noon to keep fit and healthy. Presence at work doesn’t count any longer. Instead of measured presence you are rewarded and recognized for what you have done and achieved with positive feedback and appreciation.